Caravan camping
Leirintäalue sijaitsee Valkeakosken Sääksmäellä, Ritvalan kylässä. Hakalanrannassa on sähköistettyjä vaunupaikkoja noin 50 kpl. Isäntäpäivystys palvelee kesäkaudella 2024 (28.4.–15.9.2024) kaikkina päivinä. Tammi-, helmikuussa 2025 alueella ei ole isäntäpäivystystä. Maaliskuussa ja huhtikuussa 2025 isäntäpäivystys vain viikonloppuisin (perjantai-illasta sunnuntaihin)
Alueen ranta on erittäin lapsiystävällistä matalaa hiekkarantaa ja alueen vieressä on myös kunnan yleinen uimaranta. Matkailijoiden käyttöön on tarjolla SUP-lautoja ja soutuveneitä. Veneilemään lähtevät saavat isännältä lainaksi pelastusliivejä.
During winter season around 10 caravaners will visit, hiking, fishing, skiing or otherwise spend their time.
SFC-jäseniltä vuorokausimaksu on 27€ kesällä ja talviaikaan 30€.
Vuorokausimaksu ei SFC-jäsenille on kesällä 40 € ja talvella 45 €.
Our services
Saunavuorot kesäkaudella maanantaina, keskiviikkona, perjantaina ja lauantaina. Sauna-ajat nähtävissä toimiston ilmoitustaululta.
Talvikaudella saunavuorot perjantaina ja lauantaina. Sauna-ajat nähtävissä toimiston ilmoitustaululta.
Saunan suihkut ovat kesäkaudella aamulla avoinna miehille klo 8-9 ja naisille 9-10.
Yleisten saunavuorojen ulkopuolella voit varata isännältä tilaussaunan, jonka lämmitys maksaa 20€ lämmityskerta.
Other services
- Tiskauspaikat ja ruoanlaittomahdollisuus Sydäntuvalla. Luiskat liikuntarajoitteisten liikkumisen helpottamiseksi
- Possibility to do laundry at the old service buliding
- Two toilets for women and men, the other at the old service building, the other at Sydäntupa building. Sydäntupa building hosts a toilet for disabled.
- Sydäntupa has a living room with TV, stereo and board games.
- Barbeque shelter and firewood at your convenience
- Waste disposal for chemical WC and grey water
- Different yard games (mölkky, darts, petanque) available, please consult the on-duty manager
- 3 rowing boats and 2 SUP boards at your convenience. Underage users only by permit from guardian. Please consult the on-duty manager.
- Electric outboard engine can be borrowed for 4€/2€/h (guests/members)
- Valkeakosken Sanomat and Aamulehti papers available during 1.6-31.8. The papers can be found at Sydäntupa building.
To do and see in Hakalanranta
Culture and sports events at Valkeakoski –>
Rules of the caravan camping
Rules of Hakalanranta camping
Purpose of the area
1 § Hakalanrannan cravan camping is meant for u SF- Caravan ry and its Nordic and European cooperation association's members recreation and spare time usage
2 § Further children and their families of SF-Caravan Valkeakosken seutu ry members can stay over night. If staying over night without their parents, normal fees apply (Updated 26.6.201 as per the board decision)
Arriving at the camping area
3 § Alue toimii osin itsepalveluperiaatteella. Saapuessasi ilmoittaudu toiminnasta vastaaville henkilöille tai soittamalla aluevastaavalle.
4 § Present a valid member card if required
5 § Driving with motorized vehciles is allowed only between arrival area and individual camping area.
6 § At the caravan camping you must follow speed limit and other traffic signs.
7 § Guests must leave their vehicles at the parking space.
8 § Avoid unnecessary disturbances, if arriving in the evening or leaving early in the morning. Silence between 23:00-07:00.
9 § Refer to guidance by on-duty manager on similar regarding placement of vehicles or caravans
10 § A safety zone of at least 4 m must be observed between vehicles or awnings/tents.
11 § No tents allowed. Camping is allowed only in caravan vehicles.
Residing at the area
12 § Fires are only allowed at designated areas
13 § Fixed structures/arrangement around caravan vehicles are not allowed.
14 § Respect other visitor's wishes to be left alone.
15 § Firearms, dangerous edged weapons and other disturbing and dangerous items are forbidden in the area.
16 § Show respect and discretion using televisions, radios and playing instruments throughout the day.
17 § Ensure that your children's playing is not disturbing other residents.
18 § Idling of vehicles forbidden (ANA 5 §)
19 § Pets must be kept in a leash in the area. They are forbidden in the barbeque shelter, bathrooms and toilers and other general areas.
20 § Silence between 23:00-07:00. (Silence does not mean normal discussion)
21 § Keep the area you are using clean and clean it carefully upon leaving
22 § Take care of waste disposal and use waste facilities for them.
23 § Personal washing up and washing of laundry are only allowed in designated areas.
24 § Each and every person is liable to their own part to ensure order and safety.
25 § Each and every person must look after personal belongings.
26 § Person responsible for harm or accidents is liable to reimburse the accident or harm.
27 § Get to know safety procedures displayed at the office boards.
28 § Persons or caravans not obeying orders may be removed from the area.
Leaving the area
29 § Upon leaving the area, the spot you have occupied is freed for another guest.
General rules
30 § In addition to the previous articles, each an every person must obey the Outdoor recreation act and Public order act as well as any orders given by the on-duty manager.
Valkeakoski 12th of September 1995
SF-C Valkeakosken seutu ry board